You can create your own version of ChatGPT now: here's what you need to know

You don't have to be a genius to create your own intelligence kit.

You can create your own version of ChatGPT

On Monday, OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, announced that users will be able to create customized versions of the viral AI chatbot. In general, you need to have a good understanding of coding and machine learning, as well as access to large amounts of training data, if you want to create a useful AI chatbot.

But now, "anyone can easily create their own GPT — no coding required," OpenAI said in its November release. 6 blog posts.

"Creating a group is as easy as starting a conversation, giving it instructions and other information, and choosing what it can do, such as browsing the web, creating images, or analyzing data," said the public. As for the kinds of chatbots people will be able to create, the possibilities are endless, said Hod Lipson, a professor of engineering and data science at Columbia University.

"OpenAI wants people to start innovating with chatbots and creating unique chatbots," he told CNBC's Make It. "There can be chatbots, big chatbots or even chatbots that can give you personal advice. » 

For example, a celebrity chef could create an AI chatbot that knows their food and personal recipes, Lipson said. When players download it and ask questions related to cooking, the chatbot will be able to answer conversations, making it seem like they are talking to a real chef.

At this point, OpenAI plans to allow creators to share their chatbots with the public through the "GPT Store." Basically, it will be OpenAI's version of an app store where certified builders can upload their kits and make them available for other users to download. In the coming months, developers will also be able to earn money based on the number of people using their chatbot, OpenAI said in its announcement.

"They're really trying to create a marketplace that will allow businesses and individuals to create and play with this kind of incredible AI," Lipson says. say. But before you create your own chatbot and unleash it on the world, be aware of the impact it can have.

"If you create an AI that gives advice to people in distress and says the wrong thing, things can go very quickly," Lipson says. In addition, you should be careful if you create an AI chatbot that provides health or tax advice, for example, because users can have terrible consequences in the world if they take the wrong advice your chatbot gives them, he said.

Despite these potential pitfalls, Lipson still encourages people to get familiar with AI chatbots because it seems to only get better over time. He said: “Once you start looking at these questions, you will quickly understand what the future will look like. "We're just at the beginning of a new era in AI and we'll see where it takes us."


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